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周玳妏 Chew Tai Wen


周玳妏 Chew Tai Wen

Student of National University of Singapore (NUS)

AIESEC Volunteer from 22 May ~ 3 July 2017




OGV 结束后,我领悟到了AIESEC的海外志工不单单只是一个项目。它默默却深深地影响了我,而我将会一直记得白米村的温暖也记得在这里我领悟了简单原来可以那么丰富。



犹如所有的旅游,这次的要点就是遇见与认识了好多我很佩服的人,与村民,同事和国际志工建立了友情。更可贵的是,当你在六个星期里参与与融入了人家的日常生活,你成为了他们努力和梦想的见证人。看进去了这个小小苏澳社区的窗口,见证了这个世上有这一群人每天努力地改进自己的社区,让我觉得宽心,也很空虚,为何自己没有这样的感触和动力 - 为何不更加自豪,更加爱护自己的家国。


其实在这个旅程中,我在很多不同时间点发觉自己不像一位旅客,反而像一位世界公民,是为我们后代改善世界的一分子。或许,如AIESEC所愿景要激励青年人参与 “和平以及实现人类潜能开发 ”,我好像觉得自己内化了这份责任。


My Experience as a Global Volunteer


When I ended Outgoing Global Volunteer (oGV), I realized that AIESEC's Global Volunteer program is not just 'a program'. It has become a significant event for me and I will always remember the warmth of the Baimi community and their teachings on how rich simplicity is.


My six weeks in Baimi Wooden Clog Village has been refreshing, reflective and an endearing one. The Baimi staff cares about our learning and provides opportunities to travel and learn at the same time like the 3D2N trip with villagers where I had the opportunity to attend seminars and expositions in Taitung and Taipei. During my term, I gained experience in tourism service, international marketing and what I appreciated most was to learn about community development work here. It is a privilege to explore my passions through a different lens, moreover, I had the opportunity to meet incumbent experts with long working experiences. Outside work, I am free to make plans. I opted to take the time to actively explore the various provinces of Taiwan, eat lots of local delicacies, and cycle around the countryside. In Singapore, I wouldn't do that but these experiences had ignited a hidden spark within me and I learnt surprising things about myself and achieved a fruitful self discovery in the process.

Like all trips, the highlight would be the people we meet and the friendships forged with my colleagues, the villagers and my fellow global volunteers. Beyond that, being part of someone’s daily life for 6 weeks, I became a testimony for the cause that this group of people is working for. Looking into this window of a small community in Su’ao, and witnessing that a small part of the world is working hard everyday to make a change in their community made me feel gratified, yet hollow when I think about why I am not feeling the same way back in my homeland.


In this trip, I no longer feel like a tourist, but a global citizen that is part of the bigger team of humankind doing our part in making the world a better place for our future generation. Perhaps, this is what AIESEC stands for, "Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential", and somehow I find myself internalizing it.


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